Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Describe your style? Who is your ideal couple?

A. I embrace passion and emotion with the whimsy of adventure by using bold colors and emphasizing on captivating light. The more adventurous and carefree the couple, I have found that the more captivating and breathtaking the images! Planning adequate time for photography into your day is extremely important. I understand your investment is a well thought out decision, and I want to give you the most incredible results.

Q. Will there be an online gallery available?

A. Wedding couples can receive their gallery via online online gallery, or usb drive delivered in person or by mail. Portrait clients with galleries consisting of less than images 700 will have the pleasure of an online gallery accessible from a website link that will be emailed to you. Your gallery can also be delivered on custom usb drive per request.

Q. How many Images will we receive?

A. Many factors influence the amount of images produced. Some of these factors include number of locations, number of photographers, and number of guests and length of wedding and if the timeline is followed. Wedding clients purchasing full wedding packages (not backyard wedding or elopements) will receive a minimum average of 700 images. This is not guaranteed. There is no limit to image count we simply deliver the best of all captures.

Q. Will we receive a print release with our wedding gallery?

A.Yes! You will receive a print release.

Q. Do we have to order prints through you?

A. It is strongly encouraged for the best quality of prints, printed through professional labs that Brightside Photography has partnered with. Only the finished photographs printed through partnered labs are guaranteed to reflect the colors and boldness of images you see online.

Q. How many photographers will we have?

A. All full collections include a second photographer! If you purchase a smaller wedding package, you can always ask for the option to be added to your package.

Q. What are the benefits to having two photographers?

A. Too many to count! Can I write a whole blog post on this subject? First off, I can’t be in two places at once! Having a second photographer allows both the bride and groom sides to be captured while getting ready. Multiple perspectives of the ceremony can be captured, and general organization and time efficiency when it comes to posed photos and portraits. Not to mention- more photos!!

q. Do you travel?

A. YES. YES. YES. I provide custom travel packages, and am ready for any adventure that awaits!